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Category: News & Events

Towards Equal Foundation Congratulates BluFin on Their Spotlight Feature in YourStory (2)
News & Events

Towards Equal Foundation Congratulates BluFin on Their Spotlight Feature in YourStory

Towards Equal Foundation Congratulates BluFin on Their Spotlight Feature in YourStory 2

We at Towards Equal Foundation (TEF) are delighted to extend our heartfelt congratulations to BluFin Foundation for their recent feature on YourStory, one of India’s most prominent platforms celebrating impactful and inspiring stories. Under the leadership of Paralympian Sharath Gayakwad, BluFin has made significant strides in creating inclusive opportunities for marginalized communities, and this recognition is a well-deserved acknowledgment of their dedication and success.

TEF, formerly known as Antraprerna Ventures, has always been committed to empowering social enterprises that strive to make a difference. Our mission is to bridge the gap between potential and opportunity, ensuring that visionary changemakers like BluFin receive the support they need to scale their impact. In collaboration with Accel, we provided crucial early-stage support to BluFin, helping them navigate the challenges of growth and scale. Seeing their progress and the difference they continue to make reaffirms our belief in the transformative power of collective action.

Towards Equal Foundation Congratulates BluFin on Their Spotlight Feature in YourStory 1
From left, Vyshak, Bhuvan, Amar (other co-founders) and Sharath. In the middle: Para swimmer Gopichand Lingutla

At TEF, we are passionate about nurturing innovation and advancing equality across all sectors of society. Our initiatives focus on providing strategic guidance, resources, and mentorship to social enterprises, ensuring they have the tools to succeed. The success of BluFin is a shining example of what can be achieved when vision, support, and purpose come together.

This feature on YourStory is not just a win for BluFin, but for everyone who believes in the power of inclusivity and social impact. We are immensely proud of the BluFin team and look forward to continuing our journey together, championing equality and empowerment for all.

Congratulations once again to BluFin Foundation on this remarkable achievement. We are excited to witness the continued growth and impact of your work in the years to come.

Towards Equal Foundation Supports Tribal Health Initiative in Upgrading Farmers’ Production Unit (6)
News & Events

Towards Equal Foundation Supports Tribal Health Initiative in Upgrading Farmers’ Production Unit

Towards Equal Foundation (TEF), a private foundation dedicated to creating a more equitable world, has provided financial support to the Tribal Health Initiative (THI) for their Upgrading Farmers’ Production Unit project.

TEF’s Mission and Vision

TEF believes that everyone deserves the opportunity to thrive and that communities can be empowered through access to resources and opportunities. Founded by Mahendran Balachandran and Sangeeta Prabhu Mahendran, TEF is dedicated to improving lives and fostering communities by creating opportunities and providing resources that empower individuals and communities to reach their full potential.

About Tribal Health Initiative (THI)

THI is a collective organization established in 1993 by Dr. Regi George and Dr. Lalitha Regi. It started as a small outpatient unit and has grown to include a 40-bed base hospital providing primary and secondary healthcare facilities, along with outreach programs focused on healthcare, education, and awareness in the local community. The project is located in the Sittilingi valley, a reserved forest area surrounded by hills, 92 km from Dharmapuri and 85 km from Salem.

Upgrading Farmers’ Production Unit Project

THI realized the need to address the socio-economic factors impacting the health of the tribal community. They launched the Tribal Farming Initiative to encourage farmers to return to traditional organic practices and empower them to become self-reliant while conserving the environment. TEF’s support has been instrumental in achieving this goal.

TEF’s Support

TEF’s funding has enabled THI to procure the following equipment:

  • Turmeric Grading Machine: This machine addresses the issue of farmers receiving lower prices for ungraded turmeric, allowing them to fetch better prices for their produce. Around 150 farmers have benefited from this machine, which graded over 90 tons of turmeric in the last year.
  • Chilly Powdering Machine: This machine allows farmers to process and sell organic chili powder at the SOFA unit, eliminating transportation costs and fetching them a premium price.
  • Dal Splitting Machine: The purchase of this machine is pending due to space constraints but is expected to be acquired by the end of March 2024. It will further enhance the farmers’ income by enabling them to process and sell dals.

TEF’s Impact

TEF’s support has significantly improved the lives of the tribal farmers in Sittilingi by:

  • Increasing their income: The grading and processing machines enable farmers to get better prices for their produce.
  • Promoting organic farming: The project encourages sustainable practices that benefit the environment.
  • Empowering communities: By supporting THI, TEF contributes to the overall well-being and development of the tribal community.

In recognition of the growing number of rice farmers among their members, Towards Equal Foundation (TEF) has committed a grant in 2024 to upgrade the capabilities of their partner organization, SOFA. This new grant will allow SOFA to purchase a rice dehusking machine, enabling them to accept organic paddy from their members and deliver premium prices. This initiative is expected to significantly benefit farmers who were previously unable to take full advantage of SOFA’s services.

TEF is committed to supporting initiatives that empower individuals and communities to reach their full potential. The Upgrading Farmers’ Production Unit project is a testament to the positive impact that can be achieved through collaboration and support.

PFA and TEF’s decade long partnership for causes related to Birds, Animals & Environment – Towards Equal Foundation (2)
News & Events

PFA and TEF’s decade long partnership for causes related to Birds, Animals & Environment

In the face of rising instances of bird injuries caused by manja and other hazards, a sanctuary named “Whistling House” has emerged as a beacon of hope for parakeets in distress. Situated within the People for Animals Wildlife Rescue & Conservation Centre, this sanctuary, generously donated by the “Towards Equal Foundation,” represents a significant step forward in wildlife rehabilitation efforts.

The Towards Equal Foundation (TEF) stands as a testament to the power of philanthropy and compassion. A private Foundation ( is deep rooted in its belief that we human beings have to share our planet and are the only species with the power to protect. That makes it our responsibility to look out for ways to save nature and her creations.

PFA and TEFs decade long partnership for causes related to Birds Animals Environment Towards Equal Foundation 2

The Whistling House sanctuary provides a safe haven for parakeets rescued from various perils, including confinement in fortune tellers’ cages, entanglement in manja threads, and encounters with electric wires. Tailored care and rehabilitation programs enable these birds to recover from injuries, regain their flight capabilities, and reconnect with their natural instincts. In instances of severe mistreatment, such as feather plucking, the centre conducts specialized procedures like feather implantation to aid in the birds’ rehabilitation process.

Designed to prioritize the well-being of its avian inhabitants, the Whistling House offers spacious enclosures, engaging enrichment activities, and ample exposure to natural sunlight, all of which contribute to both physical and psychological recovery. Colonel Dr. Navaz Shariff, Chief Veterinarian at PfA Wildlife Rescue & Conservation Centre, underscores the centre’s commitment to providing comprehensive care for these magnificent birds. Every aspect of the sanctuary has been meticulously planned to facilitate the birds’ recovery, with separate areas designated for short-term confinement and observation.

PFA and TEFs decade long partnership for causes related to Birds Animals Environment Towards Equal Foundation 3
PFA and TEFs decade long partnership for causes related to Birds Animals Environment Towards Equal Foundation 4

Since January 2024, PfA has rescued nearly 2,000 parakeets belonging to five different species. The success of the rehabilitation efforts is evident in the increasing numbers of parakeets released back into the wild. In 2022, 138 parakeets were rehabilitated and released, a number that rose to 176 in 2023, showcasing the efficacy of initiatives like the Whistling House sanctuary.

Dr. Shariff highlights the myriad benefits offered by the sanctuary, including specialized activities to aid in complex recoveries, exposure to essential Vitamin D facilitated by a partly transparent roof, and continuous ventilation to ensure a healthy environment. Moreover, eco-friendly materials and precautionary measures such as tape installation across glass surfaces further enhance the safety and well-being of the resident parakeets.

PFA and TEFs decade long partnership for causes related to Birds Animals Environment Towards Equal Foundation 1
PFA and TEFs decade long partnership for causes related to Birds Animals Environment Towards Equal Foundation 5

The establishment of the Whistling House sanctuary not only serves as a testament to human compassion but also reaffirms the importance of collaborative efforts in preserving and protecting vulnerable wildlife species. As these resilient parakeets embark on their journey towards rehabilitation and eventual release, they symbolize the transformative impact of empathy and dedication in the realm of wildlife conservation.

Empowering Tribal Youth Artmantram’s Livelihood Program
News & Events

Empowering Tribal Youth: Artmantram’s Livelihood Program

Artmantram recently concluded its impactful Livelihood Program for tribal youth, spanning two phases from November 6th to 10th and November 20th to 24th. The program aimed to uplift and empower young individuals from tribal communities by providing them with essential skills and opportunities for sustainable livelihoods.

The inauguration ceremony, held on November 6th at 9:30 AM, marked the commencement of this transformative initiative. The event was graced by the presence of esteemed dignitaries, including Sri. Subir Hari Singh IAS (Retd.), Former Principal Secretary Tourism and Chairman of BDA, who had the honor of inaugurating the program. Sri. Singh’s wealth of experience and dedication to community development set a positive tone for the entire initiative.

Artmantrams Livelihood Program

Adding to the significance of the occasion, Commander KM Nair (Retd.), Former President of the Service Selection Board (South) Bangalore, served as the Chief Guest. His presence underscored the commitment to supporting and nurturing the talents of the tribal youth, paving the way for a brighter future.

Artmantram collaborated with Towards Equal Foundation (TEF) as a key partner in this endeavor. TEF’s expertise and dedication to promoting equality and sustainable development complemented Artmantram’s vision for the Livelihood Program. Together, they worked towards creating a platform where tribal youth could not only acquire skills but also explore opportunities that align with their aspirations.

Throughout the program, participants engaged in various skill-building activities, workshops, and mentorship sessions. The comprehensive curriculum aimed to equip them with practical knowledge and tools to enhance their employability and entrepreneurial skills.

Empowering Tribal Youth Artmantrams Livelihood Program

The success of Artmantram’s Livelihood Program is not just measured in the skills acquired but in the positive impact it has on the lives of the tribal youth involved. As they step into a world of opportunities, armed with newfound skills and confidence, the program stands as a testament to the potential for positive change through community-focused initiatives.

Artmantram expresses gratitude to all the individuals, partners, and supporters who contributed to the success of this program. The journey towards empowering tribal youth continues, driven by the belief that sustainable change begins with empowering individuals at the grassroots level.

Celebrating Children’s Day at Kodagu Opportunity School (5)
News & Events

Celebrating Children’s Day at Kodagu Opportunity School

On a recent morning filled with joy and inspiration, our team had the privilege of participating in the Children’s Day celebrations at Kodagu Opportunity School. The event not only brought smiles to the faces of the children but also provided a glimpse into the heartwarming efforts of Kodagu Vidyalaya Opportunity School in shaping a brighter future for differently-abled youngsters.

Kodagu Vidyalaya Opportunity School, also known as Sahas, emerged from a heartfelt realization by the management committee in 1996. At that time, they identified a critical gap in facilities catering to the differently-abled in Coorg. In response to this need, the Opportunity School was established within the Kodagu Vidyalaya campus.

Since its inception, the school has been a beacon of hope, offering a range of services including various therapies, functional and formal education, and life skills training for children with special needs. The commitment to providing holistic support has made Kodagu Opportunity School a transformative space, nurturing the unique abilities of each child.

Beyond the classroom, the school has played a crucial role in building awareness within the district. It has been instrumental in bringing children with special needs out from the shadows of neglect, ensuring that their unique requirements and rights are not just recognized but actively addressed.

The Children’s Day celebrations were a testament to the vibrant spirit and resilience of the students. The joy radiating from their performances and activities showcased the positive impact of a nurturing and inclusive educational environment. It was a day not only to celebrate the children but also to honor the dedicated efforts of the school’s staff and supporters.

In addition to the festivities, our team had the opportunity to contribute to the school’s 2024 planning. Being part of the strategic discussions further solidified our commitment to supporting the ongoing mission of Kodagu Opportunity School. The collaborative efforts aimed at enhancing the educational experience and opportunities for these exceptional children were both inspiring and humbling.

As we reflect on this amazing morning spent at Kodagu Opportunity School, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to the school’s management, staff, and all those who contribute to creating a nurturing space where every child, regardless of their abilities, can thrive and reach their full potential. The journey continues, guided by the belief that education is a powerful force for positive change, especially when it is inclusive and tailored to meet the diverse needs of every child.